Over 93 Years Of Combined Winning Legal Experience

Get Maximum Recovery From Your Car Accident

If you have been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of another, it is in your best interest to seek immediate legal counsel from a League City car accident lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, property damage, lost wages, emotional pain and suffering, and other related expenses.

The car accident team at Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers has been helping residents in League City and the surrounding areas since 1970, and we have a solid track record of obtaining substantial compensation for our clients in a timely manner.

Although it is always our goal to reach a fair settlement, we are prepared to take your case to trial if a reasonable settlement cannot be reached. If you have been injured in a crash, contact a League City car accident lawyer at (281) 645-5000 today.

Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of accidental injury and death. In fact, more than 32,000 U.S. deaths and two million injuries are caused by car crashes each year. Of these deaths, one in three involve drunk driving, and nearly the same amount involve excessive speed.

Texas is no exception. On average, over 15,000 people are seriously injured in auto accidents, and at least one person is killed approximately every two hours on Texas roads.

Although auto accidents can occur for many reasons, negligence is often the primary factor.

Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

In today’s modern world, distractions are commonplace. Whether eating, drinking, putting on makeup, adjusting the radio, using a GPS, or texting a friend, engaging in any behavior that distracts your attention from the road can lead to a deadly auto accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving results in an average of over 2,000 deaths per year.


Involved in nearly one-third of all traffic fatalities, speed really does kill. Speeding results in at least 25 deaths every day. The primary reason for so many speed-related deaths is that it’s much harder to control a vehicle at higher speeds.

You also have less time to react to hazards at higher speeds. And the chance of being seriously injured or killed is substantially greater in a high-speed collision than one that occurs at slower speeds. Furthermore, speeding becomes even deadlier in the dark, in adverse weather conditions, and when the driver is inexperienced or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Failure to Obey Traffic Signs, Signals, and Rules of the Road

Traffic rules exist for a reason. Without designated lanes, signs, signals, laws, and general rules, this country’s roadways would be a chaotic mess. Most drivers follow these rules and laws and expect others to do the same.

But even good drivers may make mistakes or poor judgments from time to time—driving a little too fast on icy roads to get to an important appointment or running a red light because they thought they could make it in time. Other drivers display consistently bad behavior, endangering the lives of everyone with whom they share the road.

When failure to follow signs, signals, and traffic laws causes an injury accident, victims may be entitled to obtain compensation for resulting damages. Some of the most common examples of this negligent or reckless behavior include:

  • Improper lane changes;
  • Not using turn indicators when turning;
  • Passing in a no-passing zone;
  • Failure to yield;
  • Traveling too fast for conditions, such as those that may occur during poor weather, at night, or in low visibility.

Drowsy or Fatigued Driving

Driving while tired or fatigued may be as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. Someone who has been awake for 18 hours is likely to be as impaired as someone with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05 percent. And if you have been awake for a full 24 hours, you may drive as poorly as someone with a BAC of 0.10 percent, which is well over the legal limit in all 50 states.

According to the NHTSA, drowsy or fatigued driving accounted for 72,000 U.S. crashes. Although official reports indicate that these crashes resulted in 44,000 injuries and 800 deaths, the number of annual deaths may be as high as 6,000.

The examples above of negligent or reckless behavior are far from exhaustive. Any type of conduct that demonstrates a failure to use proper care when operating a vehicle can result in liability.

If you have been injured in an auto accident due to the negligence of another, a League City car accident attorney can help you determine how to proceed. Contact Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers today at (281) 645-5000 for a free and confidential consultation about your case.

Types of Car Accidents

From smaller collisions to fatalities, car accidents are very stressful. When serious injuries or fatalities occur, car accidents can be physically, financially, and emotionally devastating.

Certain types of car accidents, such as head-on collisions, T-bone crashes, and vehicle rollovers, are more likely to result in serious injury and death, while rear-end crashes are the most common.

Head-on Collision

Head-on Collision

Head-on crashes generally involve two vehicles traveling toward each other in opposite directions. Since both cars are usually in motion, their combined speed dramatically increases the likelihood of serious injury or death. For example, if both cars are traveling at 45 mph at the time of the collision, the impact would be similar to a one-car crash at 90 mph.

T-bone or Side-impact Crash

Getting “T-boned” refers to a side-impact collision that typically occurs at an intersection. One car usually crashes head-first into the side of another. Since the sides of a vehicle provide much less protection than the front or back, side-impact collisions are often deadly.

T-bone or Side-impact Crash


Vehicle rollovers, which typically involve high-profile vehicles such as utility vehicles (SUV’s), frequently result in serious injury or death. When these vehicles take a sharp turn too fast, the vehicle can flip over onto its side or roof, often with deadly consequences.

Rear-end Collision

Rear-end crashes are the most common type of car accident and are frequently attributed to distracted driving. In most cases, the rear driver is at fault.

Why You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

Motor vehicle accidents can be extremely stressful. The consequences of a collision may involve personal injury, property damage and wage loss.

Navigating an auto accident claim with an insurance company can be frustrating and difficult when trying to obtain fair and adequate compensation for your losses. If you are in such a situation, it’s in your best interest to seek advice and legal counsel from a League City car accident attorney.

Insurance Companies Are Not on Your Side

Despite what you see in television commercials, insurance companies are businesses determined to make a profit, and one of the ways they succeed in doing this is by paying out as little money as possible. They often will deny your claim or offer inadequate compensation for your damages. Before you speak to an insurance company representative, call a League City auto wreck attorney to determine your options.

Examining the Facts

In car wrecks involving serious injuries or death, it is important to have access to the necessary experts who can examine the scene and evidence in order to accurately reconstruct the accident. This reconstruction will provide and confirm key items such as speed, breaking and evasive actions. A Houston car accident lawyer has the experienced accident reconstruction experts to assist in determining the factors causing the car collision.

Injuries Are Not Always Apparent

Certain injuries are not apparent immediately following a car wreck. Traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries and other similar injuries may not be discovered until examination by a specialist. If you have been in a car wreck, it is important to not delay seeking treatment for your injuries. A referral to a specialist may be necessary in order to determine the nature and extent of your injuries.

Determining Damages

Automobile wreck damages generally include medical bills and property damages. They may also include wage loss. Texas also includes non-economic damages such as mental anguish, pain and suffering, disfigurement and impairment. A Houston personal injury lawyer will analyze your potential damages to adequately determine the value of your case.

Navigating a Car Wreck

The legal procedures involved in handling a car wreck are complex. The burden of proof requires establishing liability, damages and a causal link. There are numerous categories of potential damages along with the necessary proof to establish these damages. You also must consider items such as liens and subrogation claims that must be reimbursed upon settlement. An experienced Houston personal injury attorney will navigate your claim through these steps in order to maximize your recovery.

And those at the scene are not the only ones involved; imagine being a parent and getting a phone call late at night that your son or daughter has been killed in an auto accident. You pray that you will wake up and realize it was all a bad dream, but unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. The same holds true when a wife loses her husband or a husband loses his wife in a similar manner.

After taking some time to go through the seven stages of grief, it is time to take action.

The Initial Consultation with an Auto Accident Lawyer

The Initial Consultation with an Auto Accident Lawyer

Experienced auto accident lawyers know how to take on the driver at fault, but they also understand the tricks big insurance companies try to play. In an initial consultation, your attorney will not only obtain facts about the case but also determine whether there are sufficient grounds for a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. The more documentation you have about the nature of the accident, the more likely it is that they will agree to take on your case. The initial consultation is free.

Types of Damages a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You Win

In a personal injury claim, multiple types of damages exist. There are tangible damages, which carry a defined monetary value. Known as economic damages, these are easy to document. Examples include medical and funeral expenses.

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, do not carry a defined monetary value. They are more difficult to document, and examples include lost wages, benefits, and companionship.

If a wrongful death claim is pursued, the at-fault party may also be liable for punitive damages. These damages are added on top of a client’s actual losses and are issued as a teaching tool to prevent this type of behavior in the future.

Types of Damages a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You Win
Texas Statute of Limitations on Car Accidents

Texas Statute of Limitations on Car Accidents

Texas car accidents are subject to a two-year statute of limitations, during which time an injury claim must be filed to be valid.

If you fail to bring a claim before this window of opportunity closes, you will permanently forfeit your ability to do so.

The Process for Filing a Claim After a Car Accident in League City

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle collision due to the negligence of another, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Once you are home safely, it is important to consult with a League City car accident lawyer immediately. You want to file an injury claim as soon as possible, but navigating this complex process without legal counsel can be confusing and stressful, and even minor errors can result in serious financial losses.

Seek medical attention after the accident, even if injuries aren’t immediately visible. Certain serious injuries including spinal damage or closed head injuries may not produce symptoms for days or weeks. In addition to ensuring your safety and well-being, seeking treatment will result in a medical record, which can be invaluable to a personal injury lawsuit, should you decide to bring one against the responsible party or parties.

The Process for Filing a Claim After a Car Accident in League City

Do not, under any circumstances, give a written or recorded statement to any insurance company without first consulting your attorney. And don’t sign any waivers or release forms, either. Your League City car accident lawyer can handle the insurance companies and other involved parties on your behalf so that you can focus on healing.

At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, our skilled injury team will investigate the details of your case, calculate damages, gather evidence to substantiate your claim, negotiate a settlement with the insurance companies, and position you for the best possible outcome. Insurance companies are notorious for bringing low offers to the table, especially when injury victims don’t have a lawyer by their side. Although it is our goal to reach a pre-trial settlement, if a reasonable figure can’t be reached, we are prepared to take your case to trial.

Case Result

Automobile Accident

$19.2 million

Two clients killed as a result of a special defect in the shoulder of the roadway. A state court jury trial resulted in a $19.2 million verdict.

Premises Liability

$10 million

Children that attended school on a former toxic dump site made claims for exposure injuries. $10 million settlement.

Liberty County Record Verdictt

Record setting verdict

Two high school seniors were on their way home on a stretch of road that had been the subject of repeated complaints to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) about the poor condition of the shoulder. When the students entered a curve, the poor condition of the shoulder resulted in a crash that killed one and severely brain-damaged the other. A trial against the Texas Attorney General’s office resulted in the discovery of altered records, a spoliation instruction, and a record-setting jury verdict for Liberty County.

Make an Enquiry

    Contact Burwell Nebout

    Free And Confidential Consultation

    (281) 645-5000

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