Over 93 Years Of Combined Winning Legal Experience

Get Maximum Recovery From Your Galveston Car Accident

If you’ve been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, seek legal assistance from a trusted Galveston car accident lawyer at Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers. Serving Galveston, Texas, and surrounding areas since 1970, we have a proven track record of securing substantial compensation for our clients. Whether it’s medical bills, property damage, lost wages, or emotional suffering, we’re here to help. Call us at (281) 645-5000 for immediate assistance. Don’t wait—let us fight for the compensation you deserve. Car accidents are a leading cause of injury and death in the U.S., with over 32,000 deaths and two million injuries each year. Don’t become another statistic—contact us today.

Texas is no exception. On average, over 15,000 people are seriously injured in auto accidents.  Moreover, at least one person is killed approximately every two hours on Texas roads.  Although auto accidents can occur for many reasons, negligence is often the primary factor.

Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

Stay focused on the road to stay safe. Distracted driving, like eating, texting, or using GPS, is a leading cause of deadly auto accidents. According to NHTSA, over 2,000 lives are lost each year due to distractions behind the wheel. Stay alert and save lives. Visit https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/distracted-driving for more information.


Speed kills – responsible for nearly one-third of all traffic fatalities. At least 25 deaths daily are caused by speeding. High speeds make it difficult to control a vehicle and react to hazards, increasing the risk of serious injury or death in collisions. Speeding is even more deadly in darkness, adverse weather, and when the driver is inexperienced or impaired.


Failure to Obey Traffic Signs, Signals, and Rules of the Road in Galveston

To prevent chaos on the roads, it’s crucial to follow traffic rules diligently. While most drivers adhere to these rules, some make mistakes such as speeding on icy roads. Failing to obey signs and laws can lead to accidents with severe consequences. Victims of such negligence may be entitled to compensation for damages. Stay vigilant against reckless behaviors that endanger lives on the road. Some of the most common examples of this negligent or reckless behavior include:

  • Improper lane changes
  • Not using turn indicators when turning
  • Passing in a no-passing zone
  • Failure to yield
  • Traveling too fast for conditions, such as those that may occur during poor weather, at night, or in low visibility.

Drowsy or Fatigued Driving

Were you aware that driving while fatigued can be just as perilous as driving under the influence? Remaining awake for 18 hours can impair you as severely as having a BAC of 0.05%, and a full 24 hours of wakefulness might lead to driving as poorly as someone with a BAC of 0.10%—exceeding the legal limit in all states. In the U.S., drowsy driving caused 72,000 crashes, resulting in 44,000 injuries and 800 deaths, with estimates suggesting up to 6,000 annual fatalities.

The instances mentioned above of negligent or reckless behavior are not exhaustive. Any behavior that indicates a failure to exercise proper care when operating a vehicle can lead to liability.

If you’ve suffered injuries in an auto accident due to someone else’s negligence, a Galveston car accident attorney can guide you in determining your next steps. Reach out to Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers today at (281) 645-5000 for a complimentary and confidential consultation regarding your case.

Types of Car Accidents

From smaller collisions to fatalities, car accidents are very stressful. When serious injuries or fatalities occur, car accidents can be physically, financially, and emotionally devastating.

Certain types of car accidents, such as head-on collisions, T-bone crashes, and vehicle rollovers, are more likely to result in serious injury and death, while rear-end crashes are the most common.

Head-on Collision

Head-on Collision

Head-on collisions happen when two vehicles are moving towards each other. When they collide, the impact is like one car crashing at double the speed. This greatly raises the risk of severe injuries or fatalities.

T-bone or Side-impact Crash

Experience a ‘T-bone’ crash – a dangerous side-impact collision that frequently happens at intersections. When one vehicle smashes into the side of another, the consequences can be fatal due to the limited protection offered by the sides of a car.

T-bone or Side-impact Crash


Beware of vehicle rollovers involving SUVs, as they often lead to severe injuries or fatalities. Sharp turns taken too fast can cause these high-profile vehicles to flip over, with deadly outcomes.

Rear-end Collisions

Rear-end collisions are the most common car accidents, mainly due to distracted driving, with the rear driver usually deemed at fault. Stay vigilant on the road to avoid these dangerous scenarios.

Navigating a Car Wreck

Navigating the legal intricacies of a Galveston car wreck can be daunting. Establishing liability, damages, and a causal link involves a complex burden of proof. Various categories of potential damages require specific evidence for validation. Additionally, considerations such as liens and subrogation claims must be addressed for reimbursement upon settlement. An experienced Galveston personal injury attorney adeptly guides your claim through these steps to optimize your recovery.

Moreover, the impact extends beyond those directly involved; imagine receiving a late-night call as a parent, learning your child has been killed in an auto accident. You hope to wake up from this nightmare, but reality persists. Similar anguish is felt by a spouse who loses their partner in such circumstances.

After navigating through the stages of grief, it becomes imperative to take proactive steps forward.

The Initial Consultation with a Galveston Auto Accident Lawyer

The Initial Consultation with a Galveston Auto Accident Lawyer

Receive skilled assistance from experienced auto accident attorneys who can confront negligent drivers and outmaneuver insurance behemoths. Your Galveston car accident lawyer will evaluate your case during a complimentary initial consultation to determine if you have a viable claim for personal injury or wrongful conduct. The more comprehensive your account of the incident, the stronger your prospects for legal representation. Don’t delay seeking help—the initial meeting comes at no expense to you.

Types of Damages a Galveston Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You Win

Discover the two main types of damages in a personal injury claim: economic and non-economic. Economic damages have a clear monetary value, while non-economic damages are more challenging to quantify. Punitive damages may also be sought in wrongful death cases as a deterrent for future misconduct.

Types of Damages a Galveston Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You Win
Texas Statute of Limitations on Car Accidents

Texas Statute of Limitations on Car Accidents

Don’t wait too long after a car accident in Texas – you only have two years to file an injury claim. Missing this deadline means losing the chance to seek compensation forever. Act fast to protect your rights!

The Process for Filing a Claim After a Car Accident in Galveston

Have you suffered injuries in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence? You may be entitled to substantial compensation. Don’t delay—reach out to a Galveston car accident attorney immediately to safeguard your rights and secure the compensation you deserve. Following the accident, seek medical attention promptly, even if you don’t immediately notice any injuries. Some serious issues may not manifest symptoms right away. Seeking treatment not only protects your well-being but also provides crucial evidence for any future personal injury claims against the responsible parties.

The Process for Filing a Claim After a Car Accident in Galveston

Before engaging with any insurance company, it’s imperative to consult your attorney. Refrain from signing any waivers or release forms. Allow your Galveston car accident lawyer to manage all communications with insurers and other involved parties while you concentrate on your recovery. At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, our seasoned team will conduct a comprehensive investigation of your case, assess damages, collect evidence, negotiate with insurers, and pursue the optimal outcome for you. Insurance companies frequently propose inadequate settlements to unrepresented victims. While we strive for a pre-trial resolution, we are fully prepared to proceed to trial if necessary.

Case Result

Automobile Accident

$19.2 million

Two clients killed as a result of a special defect in the shoulder of the roadway. A state court jury trial resulted in a $19.2 million verdict.

Premises Liability

$10 million

Children that attended school on a former toxic dump site made claims for exposure injuries. $10 million settlement.

Liberty County Record Verdictt

Record setting verdict

Two high school seniors were on their way home on a stretch of road that had been the subject of repeated complaints to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) about the poor condition of the shoulder. When the students entered a curve, the poor condition of the shoulder resulted in a crash that killed one and severely brain-damaged the other. A trial against the Texas Attorney General’s office resulted in the discovery of altered records, a spoliation instruction, and a record-setting jury verdict for Liberty County.

Make an Enquiry

    Contact Burwell Nebout

    Free And Confidential Consultation

    (281) 645-5000

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