Accidents involving large trucks often result in extensive property damage, serious injuries, and even death. Due to the sheer size and weight of a commercial truck, collisions with passenger vehicles can have devastating consequences.
If you have been injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, property damage, emotional pain and suffering, and other associated costs.
At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, our experienced League City truck accident lawyers have fought for the rights of countless victims, and we have an impressive track record of obtaining substantial settlements in a timely manner.
18-wheeler accident cases can be extremely complex; don’t attempt to navigate this stressful process on your own.
Contact a League City injury lawyer today if you have been injured in a truck accident due to the negligence of another.
Lo mejor para usted es buscar asesoramiento legal después de cualquier tipo de accidente automovilístico, pero esto es particularmente cierto en el caso de los accidentes de camiones, que a menudo involucran a varias partes y pueden provocar lesiones y pérdidas catastróficas.
At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, our League City truck accident attorneys handle cases involving all types of trucks and large commercial vehicles, including:
18-wheeler accidents cause a significant number of personal injury and wrongful death claims each year. With increasing demands for goods and services to be moved by large commercial trucks, the number of 18-wheeler accidents is on the rise. League City, Galveston, and the Greater Houston area encompass a regional transportation hub.
As a result, Texas is becoming one of the busiest 18-wheeler trucking regions in the country, resulting in an increase in tractor-trailer accidents, which often have disastrous consequences. There are myriad causes of 18-wheeler accidents, but those that involve negligence commonly include:
The leading cause of 18-wheeler accidents involving a passenger vehicle is truck driver fatigue. Defects in the 18-wheeler truck itself are also a major contributor to accidents; faulty tires, wheels, brakes, engine/transmission, steering wheel, lights, and trailer are frequently cited in injury claims involving large trucks.
As detailed above, truck accidents occur for myriad reasons. Investigations into serious collisions frequently reveal negligent, careless, or reckless behavior. Some of the most common types of truck accidents include:
18-wheeler accident cases are extremely complicated and aggressively defended due to the high costs at stake. If you are involved in an 18-wheeler accident, it is vital to contact an experienced League City truck accident attorney who can fully investigate the possible causes and fight for the maximum compensation available to you.
Póngase en contacto con los abogados litigantes de Burwell Nebout hoy en(281) 645-5000 for a free and confidential consultation about your case. Our truck accident lawyers are located in League City; we serve clients throughout Texas, including Galveston, League City, and the Greater Houston area.
In the U.S., 18-wheeler accidents account for one out of every eight traffic deaths. In fact, 18-wheeler accident injuries involving passenger vehicles are among the most catastrophic, life-changing personal injuries a person can suffer.
Any type of vehicular collision can produce serious injuries. But the mass of 18-wheeler trucks can generate force capable of causing catastrophic injury or death in a matter of seconds. If you have suffered a catastrophic injury or have lost a loved one, you deserve full compensation for past, present, and future damages, and injuries. The only way to secure the compensation you rightly deserve is with the representation of an experienced League City personal injury attorney.
At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, we will work tirelessly to maximize your compensation for serious injuries in an 18-wheeler accident. Some of the most common injuries we see include:
In the event of an 18-wheeler crash, the trucking company will send a representative to the scene to speak with victims in an effort to protect the company and driver. When you are injured in an 18-wheeler crash, it is imperative that you speak with a qualified Texas 18-wheeler accident lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights and ensure maximum compensation for your injuries.
En Estados Unidos hay aproximadamente dos millones de camiones grandes. A nivel nacional, cada año ocurren alrededor de 500.000 accidentes que involucran camiones de 18 ruedas. Se estima que en esos accidentes unas 130.000 personas resultan heridas cada año y 5.000 mueren. También es importante señalar que en aproximadamente el 98 por ciento de los accidentes fatales de camiones, muere el conductor o los ocupantes del vehículo de pasajeros, no el conductor del camión de 18 ruedas.
In League City and the surrounding areas, these numbers are no less sobering. Texas has a high number of annual injuries and fatalities resulting from 18-wheeler accidents, and injury rates in the Greater Houston area are particularly high.
En todo el estado, se producen aproximadamente 300 accidentes mortales de vehículos de 18 ruedas al año y, por lo general, hay más de 2000 lesiones relacionadas en un año determinado. Dicho de otra manera, esto equivale aproximadamente a una lesión por cada siete accidentes y una muerte por cada 50 accidentes.
Cuando los vehículos de 18 ruedas se ven involucrados en accidentes con vehículos de pasajeros, con frecuencia resultan en lesiones graves o la muerte. Si usted o un ser querido ha resultado lesionado en un accidente de camión de 18 ruedas, necesita un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de camiones en Texas a su lado para luchar por usted en cada paso del camino.
En Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, nuestro equipo de abogados de accidentes de camiones ha representado a víctimas y familias en todo Texas, League City y el área metropolitana de Houston desde 1970.
Con sede en League City, podemos llegar rápidamente a la escena de su accidente, realizar una investigación exhaustiva e independiente y maximizar el valor de su caso por daños y pérdidas pasados, presentes y futuros.
Strict trucking regulations make 18-wheeler accidents different from passenger car accidents from a legal perspective. They include both federal and Texas 18-wheeler regulations, which involve much higher safety standards and require significantly higher amounts of insurance coverage due to the potential for life-altering and fatal injuries when heavy trucks collide with passenger cars and trucks.
Si ha tenido un accidente con un camión de 18 ruedas, la representación legal es fundamental. Necesita un abogado que conozca los detalles de las regulaciones federales y de transporte de Texas para proteger agresivamente sus derechos y luchar por la máxima compensación disponible para usted.
Las empresas de transporte por carretera y sus conductores deben seguir estrictas normas de transporte estatales y federales que rigen los registros de horas de conducción, las hojas de tiempo y otros criterios como:
A meticulous investigation is very important immediately following an 18-wheeler accident. Our League City truck accident lawyers will document evidence collected at the accident scene, where the vehicle’s contents were loaded, where vehicle maintenance occurred, and at the offices of the company that owns and operates the truck.
As time goes on, critical evidence disappears, so quick action is essential. Your lawyer will need to immediately collect evidence following the accident to hold the negligent truck driver and company accountable for the injuries they have caused.
That being said, if you were injured days, weeks, or months ago in an accident involving a commercial truck, it is still in your best interest to seek legal counsel. Although your attorney may not be able to collect as much evidence as if he/she were called at the time of the accident, you may still be able to recover substantial damages if negligence played a role in your injuries.
18-wheelers are a necessary road menace. Companies need them to transport products and keep the economy running efficiently. However, the size, poor stopping abilities, and poor maneuverability of large commercial trucks place motorists who share the road with them at substantial risk.
If you are involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler truck, you need guidance and representation to secure the full and fair compensation you deserve. You need a lawyer who will be on your side 100 percent of the time.
Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers has been serving victims and their families with high-caliber legal representation since 1970. Based in League City, we handle cases for 18-wheeler victims throughout Texas, including League City, Galveston, and the Greater Houston area, and we have recovered hundreds of millions for our clients.
Es una verdad desafortunada que las empresas de transporte por carretera a menudo no implementan ni llevan a cabo normas de conducción segura. De hecho, las empresas de transporte por carretera pueden implementar políticas que en realidad obliguen a los conductores a poner en peligro a otras personas en la carretera. Lo hacen anteponiendo las ganancias a las vidas.
Por ejemplo, las empresas de transporte por carretera ponen en riesgo a las personas al exigir a sus conductores que entreguen cargas en plazos que serían imposibles de cumplir sin exceso de velocidad o sin conducir casi constantemente. Por lo tanto, otros automovilistas corren el peligro de los conductores demasiado cansados y de aquellos que superan el límite de velocidad para conservar sus puestos de trabajo.
Alentar a los camioneros a pasar demasiadas horas al volante no sólo es poco ético, sino también ilegal. La Administración Federal de Seguridad de Autotransportes (FMCSA) ha impuesto estrictas reglas de horas de servicio para limitar la cantidad de horas que los camioneros pueden pasar al volante sin descanso. Actualmente, la FMCSA prohíbe a los camioneros pasar más de 11 horas al volante hasta haber registrado diez consecutive off-duty hours.
Exigir a los conductores que realicen varios viajes sin completar una inspección del camión es otra forma en que las empresas anteponen las ganancias a la seguridad de los conductores. Como resultado, las piezas de un vehículo de 18 ruedas pueden fallar y provocar un accidente.
If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of another, do not attempt to navigate this complex process on your own. Following any accident involving a large truck, seek immediate legal counsel from a League City attorney with extensive experience in 18-wheeler collisions. Contact us today.
In a collision between a car, truck, or van and an 18-wheeler, the individuals in the smaller automobile are likely to be on the losing side. The driver and passengers’ injuries may be devastating, and the damage to property can be catastrophic. Before people can receive monetary compensation for their damages, they will need to file a claim with the at-fault truck driver’s insurance company.
Lo que puede aumentar el dolor que sufren las personas después de haber sido atropelladas por un camión de 18 ruedas es la forma en que las compañías de seguros manejan estos reclamos. Para facilitar este proceso, las personas lesionadas en un accidente con un camión grande deben asegurarse de anotar en detalle todo lo que puedan recordar sobre la colisión y cualquier lesión posterior y comunicarse de inmediato con un abogado especializado en accidentes de camiones de 18 ruedas.
Después de una colisión, la policía suele llegar al lugar y preparar un informe policial. Esto ayudará a quienes sufran lesiones en el accidente, pero aún así será necesario tomar sus propias notas. La razón por la que este es el caso es porque aquellos que estén involucrados en la colisión tendrán una idea que el oficial de policía que llegue después del accidente no tendrá.
En el lugar del accidente, los heridos tendrán que actuar como sus propios investigadores. Deberán anotar los nombres y la información de contacto de los testigos, tomar fotografías de los daños, las lesiones y la escena del accidente, y recopilar cualquier evidencia que pueda demostrar que el conductor del camión fue negligente.
Con esta información, las partes lesionadas estarán listas para presentar un reclamo ante la compañía de seguros del conductor del camión culpable, y será necesario informar al conductor culpable que esta es la intención de la parte lesionada.
Those injured will also need to tell the at-fault truck drivers’ insurance company that they will be filing a claim for damages. This is usually handled by the insurance company that provides coverage for the driver of the vehicle that was hit by the 18-wheeler.
After following the insurance companies’ claims process, the injured parties may receive a call from the companies’ claims adjuster. In some cases, the truck driver was clearly at fault, and the insurance company will offer a settlement.
In other cases, the adjuster will ask to review the injured parties’ medical records and the evidence they collected at the scene of the crash. However, this settlement is likely to be less than the injured parties are entitled to receive.
Most of the time, an insurance company’s intent is to offer the lowest settlement possible or to keep from paying a claim altogether. Those who are injured will, most likely, be involved in a difficult fight to receive the least of what they deserve.
If they are entitled to non-economic damages, the fight will be even harder for them. For this reason, they need to protect their rights by hiring a qualified Texas truck accident lawyer.
Truck accident lawyers know how much in the way of non-economic damages they can request, and they know how to fight insurance companies for the compensation that their clients deserve. An 18-wheeler accident attorney knows exactly what evidence will be required to prove a client’s case, and if necessary, he can fight in court to ensure that their client’s rights are protected.