Más de 93 años de experiencia legal ganadora combinada

Responsabilidad del producto: productos defectuosos

Unfortunately, companies often design and/or manufacture dangerous and defective products that have life-altering and lethal consequences. These dangerous products may be cars, tires, consumer products and drugs. At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, our League City product liability lawyers focus on providing representation for individuals who have suffered significant injuries as a result of defective products.

Our team in League City offers you over 93 years of combined legal experience and local leadership in both trial and negotiations. Our goal is to maximize the compensation you rightly deserve and to help you make informed decisions throughout the legal process.

Please call us today at (281) 645-5000 to schedule a free consultation with one of our talented and resourceful product liability attorneys.

What is a Defective Product in Texas?

A defective product (A.KA. Product liability) refers to the legal liability of a manufacturer or seller for the products they make and sell to consumers. In general, consumer product manufacturers are responsible for designing and manufacturing products that are safe and meet the reasonable expectations of consumers and users. Manufacturers and retailers may also be responsible for providing warnings as to the non-obvious dangers inherent to the product and instructions for safe use.

Texas is a strict liability state, which means that the person may not need to show that the manufacturer was careless or negligent to be awarded compensation for damages. In general, to recover compensation from a manufacturer for damages caused by an unsafe product, a person must prove that:

  • El producto tenía defectos de diseño, fabricación o advertencia;
  • El producto defectuoso era excesivamente peligroso;
  • El producto defectuoso fue utilizado según sus instrucciones y diseño;
  • El producto defectuoso y peligroso causó el daño o lesión.


As with any civil suit, the remedies and compensation available for damages in a product liability case vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the case. You may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, future earning capacity, and property damage, as well as for intangible losses such as pain and suffering and emotional distress.

For Texas product liability claims, the statute of limitations is generally 15 years from the date the product was purchased. Depending on your injuries or damages, Texas law may further limit the time you have to file a claim. If you’ve been injured by a defective product in Texas, it is critical to consult with an experienced defective product lawyer right away.

¿Cuáles son los tres tipos de defectos de productos reconocidos según la ley del estado de Texas?

Products can be defective because of faulty design, errors in the manufacturing process, or because a company failed to provide adequate warnings about the inherent dangers of a product. The legal remedies available for damages sustained from a defective product vary depending on the circumstances of the case.

¿Cuáles son los tres tipos de defectos de productos reconocidos según la ley del estado de Texas?
Defecto de diseño

Defecto de diseño

A product can be flawlessly manufactured and used according to the instructions and still be unreasonably dangerous if there is a flaw in the product design that makes it unsafe. This is known as a design defect. A company may be liable for a design defect when a product has foreseeable risk despite being manufactured according to design and used as intended.

According to the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code, a plaintiff claiming a design defect must prove that:

  • El defecto fue la causa que produjo la lesión personal, el daño a la propiedad o la muerte;
  • There was a safer alternative design that would have prevented or reduced the injury risk without severely impairing the product’s intended use or purpose;
  • El diseño alternativo más seguro era económica y tecnológicamente viable en el momento en que el producto dejó el control del fabricante.

Some examples of design defects include a baby toy with removable small parts that pose a choking risk to small children or a power tool that lacks an appropriate safety covering for a blade.

Defecto de fabricación

Even with an adequate product design, flaws in the manufacturing or quality control processes can result in a product—or many products—that do not match the intended design. A manufacturing defect is typically caused by an error in the production or quality control process and results in a product that does not adhere to the planned design.

Texas holds manufacturers strictly liable, which means that if you’ve been injured by a product due to a manufacturing defect, you do not need to prove additional facts, such as the manufacturer’s negligence or knowledge of the defect.

Defecto de fabricación
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No advertir

Even if safely designed and properly manufactured, some products still carry inherent risks or can be dangerous if used improperly. The failure to warn (also known as a marketing defect) occurs when a manufacturer knows or should know of a potential danger presented by the product but markets it without providing adequate warning of the danger or instructions for safe use.

A manufacturer, retailer, or distributor does not need to provide warnings about dangers that are “common knowledge,” such as that a knife is sharp.

An example of a warning defect is the failure to provide warnings about the dangers of airbags to a child riding in the front seat of a car or about the overheating danger or fire risk of a space heater left to run for more than a certain amount of time.


¿Quién se encarga de las retiradas de productos?

Las retiradas gubernamentales de productos defectuosos están a cargo principalmente de seis agencias:

  • La Comisión de Seguridad de Productos de Consumo (CPSC) de EE. UU. se encarga de la mayoría de los artículos del hogar, incluida la ropa, los productos electrónicos y los juguetes.
  • La Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos. revisa los barcos para retirarlos del mercado.
  • Los retiros de alimentos generalmente provienen de la Administración de Medicamentos y Alimentos de los EE. UU. (FDA), el Departamento de Agricultura de los EE. UU. (USDA) o, en casos raros, de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC).
  • La FDA supervisa los medicamentos, los dispositivos médicos y los cosméticos.
  • La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) tiene jurisdicción sobre pesticidas y emisiones de vehículos.

These agencies typically issue safety recalls only when clear and compelling evidence exists of a threat to consumer health and safety. For some people, we understand that the damage has already been done by the time governmental recalls go into effect. Our product liability lawyers are here to help you gain access to the compensation you deserve, and we are on your side every step of the way.

La negligencia cuesta vidas

La negligencia cuesta vidas

Our team of product liability lawyers has extensive experience representing numerous individuals and families who were injured by defective products.

Burwell Nebout ha tratado con éxito lesiones resultantes de:

  • Vuelco del Ford Explorer y falla del neumático Firestone
  • Casos de defectos de automóviles, incluidas reclamaciones por accidentes contra
  • Mal funcionamiento de los neumáticos, incluida la separación de la banda de rodadura.
  • Neumáticos de llanta dividida contra fabricantes nacionales y extranjeros.

Preguntas frecuentes

Sí, pero solo si se produjeron lesiones o pérdidas reales como resultado del uso del producto según las instrucciones o según lo previsto. Si ha resultado lesionado por el uso de un producto, es posible que pueda recuperar daños y perjuicios si hubo un defecto en el diseño del producto o en el proceso de fabricación o si el fabricante o minorista no proporcionó las advertencias o instrucciones de uso adecuadas.
Los minoristas pueden ser responsables de vender productos defectuosos, pero no según las leyes de responsabilidad estricta que se aplican a los fabricantes. La ley de Texas impone la responsabilidad principal al fabricante de un producto defectuoso, ya que el fabricante está en la mejor posición para reconocer y prevenir o reparar los defectos. Un abogado con experiencia en responsabilidad de productos de Texas puede revisar su caso, determinar los acusados ​​adecuados y desarrollar una estrategia para maximizar su compensación.
Los defectos del producto pueden originarse en el diseño del producto, el proceso de fabricación y/o en la falta de proporcionar advertencias o instrucciones de uso adecuadas. Texas es un estado de responsabilidad estricta y solo exige que el demandante demuestre que el producto era defectuoso y causó daños, a pesar de haber sido utilizado de acuerdo con las instrucciones, para recuperar una compensación del fabricante. Otras teorías legales de recuperación, como la negligencia y la existencia de otros demandados, pueden requerir que el demandante demuestre elementos adicionales.

Resultado del caso

Automobile Accident

$19.2 million

Two clients killed as a result of a special defect in the shoulder of the roadway. A state court jury trial resulted in a $19.2 million verdict.

Responsabilidad de las instalaciones

$10 million

Children that attended school on a former toxic dump site made claims for exposure injuries. $10 million settlement.

Liberty County Record Verdictt

Veredicto de establecimiento de récord

Dos estudiantes de último año de secundaria se dirigían a casa en un tramo de la carretera que había sido objeto de repetidas quejas ante el Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TXDOT) por el mal estado de la banquina. Cuando los estudiantes entraron en una curva, el mal estado del arcén provocó un choque que mató a uno y provocó graves daños cerebrales al otro. Un juicio contra la oficina del Procurador General de Texas resultó en el descubrimiento de registros alterados, una instrucción de expoliación y un veredicto del jurado sin precedentes para el condado de Liberty.

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    Contacte a Burwell Nebout

    Consulta gratuita y confidencial

    (281) 645-5000

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