Más de 90 años de experiencia legal combinada en accidentes de motocicleta

Motorcyclists face unique risks while on the road. Fatalities are significantly more common than other motor vehicle accidents, and injuries are often more severe. Without the enclosure of a car or truck, there is little protection for your body while on a motorcycle. As such, these accidents often result in severe injuries, temporary or permanent disability, and even death.

Defensive riding is perhaps the best strategy to avoid catastrophic outcomes; even so, you can’t control how other people behave on the road.If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, it is in your best interest to consult with a League City motorcycle accident lawyer immediately.At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, we have helped countless motorcycle accident victims get the justice—and compensation—they deserve. Our highly skilled and experienced legal team will evaluate your case to determine the most appropriate legal strategy for moving forward. Contact us today at(281) 645-5000 for a free and confidential consultation about your case.

Los accidentes de motocicleta pueden ocurrir por muchas razones, e incluso entre motociclistas con años de experiencia. Algunos de los tipos más comunes de accidentes de motocicleta incluyen:

  • Colisiones frontales: la gran mayoría de estos accidentes implican un choque frontal con un vehículo que viene en sentido contrario o una colisión con un objeto estacionario. Lamentablemente, las colisiones frontales suelen ser mortales.
  • Golpes de giro a la izquierda: los conductores deben tener especial precaución cuando un automóvil gira a la izquierda. Los accidentes entre motocicletas y automóviles ocurren con frecuencia cuando un automóvil que gira a la izquierda choca contra una motocicleta mientras el conductor intenta adelantar al automóvil o avanzar por una intersección.
  • Choque con objetos estacionarios: aproximadamente el 25 por ciento de los accidentes fatales de motocicleta ocurren cuando el conductor choca con un objeto fijo, en comparación con el 18 por ciento de los accidentes automovilísticos fatales. Si puede demostrar que el propietario fue negligente al colocar el objeto (un buzón, por ejemplo) demasiado cerca de la carretera, es posible que pueda recuperar los daños. Lo mismo ocurre con los equipos de construcción de parques que carecen de carteles reflectantes.
  • Peligros en la carretera. Debido a que una motocicleta es más pequeña y menos estable que un automóvil, los motociclistas deben tener aún más precaución al conducir en condiciones climáticas desfavorables, en zonas de construcción y en carreteras en mal estado.

Tipos de Lesiones de Motocicleta

As discussed above, due to the lack of physical protection surrounding motorcyclists and the vehicle’s small size compared to other vehicles on the road, motorcycle riders have a much greater risk of injury than their passenger vehicle counterparts. Some of the most common injuries suffered in motorcycle crashes include:

  • Erupción en la carretera — Debido a que no hay una estructura metálica que rodee a los motociclistas, es probable que un motociclista entre en contacto con la carretera si choca. El sarpullido en la carretera ocurre cuando el cuerpo de un ciclista se desliza por el pavimento. El pavimento atraviesa la ropa y puede eliminar las capas superiores de piel. En casos leves, la erupción en la carretera lo expondrá a infecciones y puede aumentar la sensibilidad de la piel una vez curada. En casos más graves, puede causar daño a los nervios superficiales. El uso de equipo de protección resistente diseñado para andar en motocicleta puede reducir o prevenir las erupciones en la carretera.
  • Lesiones en la cabeza — Las lesiones cerebrales traumáticas (TBI, por sus siglas en inglés) ocurren con frecuencia en accidentes de motocicleta, especialmente si el conductor no lleva casco en el momento del accidente. Si tiene más de 21 años y (a) ha completado un curso de capacitación en manejo de motocicletas o (b) tiene prueba de una cobertura de seguro médico de al menos $10,000, la ley de Texas no exige que use un casco mientras conduce. Sin embargo, es una buena práctica hacerlo, ya que el uso del casco disminuye drásticamente la probabilidad de sufrir una lesión cerebral traumática si se ve involucrado en un accidente. Las TBI pueden tener un impacto grave y duradero en su vida, incluidos problemas de memoria, problemas de pensamiento y función ejecutiva y convulsiones.
  • Lesiones de la médula espinal (LME). Dependiendo de su gravedad, las lesiones medulares pueden provocar entumecimiento, problemas de movimiento y parálisis.
  • Huesos rotos. De manera similar a las erupciones en la carretera, es común que los motociclistas se rompan huesos al impactar, especialmente las costillas, las piernas, los brazos, el cráneo y la clavícula.
  • Lesiones musculares traumáticas (lesiones de tejidos blandos). Estas lesiones son resultado directo del impacto durante el choque o se manifiestan indirectamente debido a otras lesiones. Por ejemplo, una erupción grave en la carretera puede dañar las capas superiores de los músculos y los huesos rotos pueden dañar el tejido muscular circundante cuando se rompen.

Qué hacer después de un accidente de motocicleta

The moments following a motorcycle accident are critical to the outcome of a personal injury case. Most of the rules for auto accidents apply to motorcycle accidents as well.

Qué hacer

Si eres consciente y capaz, hace:

  • Intercambiar información de contacto y de seguro con cualquier otra persona involucrada en el accidente;
  • Documente todo lo posible antes de abandonar la escena, incluida la toma de fotografías de los vehículos, el área circundante y sus lesiones;
  • Dígale al oficial de policía exactamente lo que pasó. sin asumir culpa de cualquier tipo.
  • Acude a la sala de emergencias más cercana para recibir atención médica, incluso si te sientes bien. Las lesiones internas son graves y pueden pasar horas o incluso días hasta que alguien se dé cuenta de que está lesionado después de un accidente.
Qué hacer
No hacer

No hacer

Independientemente de las circunstancias, nunca debes:

  • Salga de la escena hasta que el oficial de policía que atendió el accidente le indique que lo haga, a menos que necesite atención médica inmediata;
  • Admitir culpa ante la policía, cualquier otra parte involucrada o su compañía de seguros; y
  • Presente un informe oficial ante su compañía de seguros antes de acudir al médico.

Many people who feel fine after an accident contact their insurance company right away to get the paperwork over with. Once that report has been submitted, the insurance company will use it to determine fault and calculate how much they should pay out. Unfortunately, some injuries such as closed head injuries and spinal injuries may not produce symptoms for days or weeks after the accident. It is extremely difficult to make changes to your report at a later date. To be safe, consult with a League City motorcycle accident lawyer if you’ve been injured.


The Process for Filing a Claim After a Motorcycle Accident in League City

Texas is an “at-fault” state, which essentially means that the party found at fault for the accident will pay damages to the injured parties. For this reason, insurance companies will not pay money until they have determined who was at fault in an accident.

But while this investigation is underway, the injury victim’s expenses can be piling up—medical bills, lost wages, and property damage can all take a serious financial toll. That’s why it’s so important to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Your League City motorcycle accident lawyer can ensure that the investigation is completed in a timely manner and that you are positioned for the most favorable outcome possible.

Never forget that insurance companies are, first and foremost, businesses, and businesses seek to protect their bottom line—making the most money while paying the least expenses. Therefore, an insurance company’s initial settlement offer is almost always going to be significantly less than what you deserve.

As such, it’s essential to work with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who can help you recover the maximum compensation available to you. At Burwell Nebout, we always strive to avoid going to court, but if a reasonable settlement cannot be reached, we are prepared to take your case to trial and fight to get you the full compensation you deserve.

Damages You Can Receive After a League City Motorcycle Accident

The money sought in lawsuits is intended to make up for the damage caused by the defendant. As such, the amount you ask for is referred to as “damages.”There are two primary kinds of potential damages in a motorcycle accident case—economic and non-economic.



Monetary costs almost always accompany personal injuries. You can sue the at-fault party for damages to cover the expense of medical bills and treatments for your injuries, wages you lost while incapacitated and unable to work, and vehicle repairs.

No económico

Non-economic damages are still assigned a dollar value, but that value can prove more difficult to calculate. These damages are a result of intangible harms that often accompany personal injury or wrongful death cases. The most common type of non-economic damage is pain and suffering, mental anguish, impairment and disfigurement. It can also include trauma related to surviving a serious accident.

In wrongful death cases, a person who loses their spouse in an accident can seek damages for loss of consortium, which is the loss of companionship, affection, and comfort that a life partner provides. A plaintiff can also seek loss of consortium in a personal injury case.

For example, if a motorcycle accident leaves someone paralyzed from the waist down and they can no longer engage in sexual activity with their spouse, they may seek loss of consortium damages.

No económico

Because non-economic damages are highly subjective in nature, their monetary value can be challenging to assess, and many defendants will contest the alleged value in court.

A qualified personal injury attorney will understand how to value the non-economic damages in order to maximize the recovery. When an unqualified attorney seeks excessive non-economic damages, this can subsequently draw the case out longer and cause significant emotional distress to the plaintiff. This is why it is so important to work with a skilled League City injury lawyer who can accurately calculate both economic and non-economic damages from the start.

Texas Statute of Limitations on Motor Accidents

In Texas, you have two years from the time of the motorcycle accident to file a personal injury claim. Once that two-year window closes, you will likely lose the ability to recover damages. This period of time is known as the statute of limitations.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you have plenty of time to file. Waiting until the last minute can severely weaken your case. Waiting too long to file your case will result in a longer period of time to resolve the case and may result in you failing to properly identify all parties responsible for your injuries.

How a League City Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Following any type of accident, a personal injury lawyer can help you obtain the justice and compensation you deserve so that you can focus on healing. From dealing with aggressive insurance companies to negotiating for the maximum settlement amount, an experienced League City injury lawyer is your greatest advocate.

Your attorney can speak to your insurance company on your behalf when filing a claim. This protects you from unknowingly saying something to the adjuster that weakens your claim or somehow assumes fault.

Believe it or not, for insurance reasons, many doctors will not see patients who are involved in a motorcycle accident. An experienced lawyer will also know reputable doctors and clinics that will agree to treat you and will steer you away from “pain mills,” clinics notorious for using up insurance money while providing substandard treatment.

Resultado del caso

Automobile Accident

$19.2 million

Two clients killed as a result of a special defect in the shoulder of the roadway. A state court jury trial resulted in a $19.2 million verdict.

Responsabilidad de las instalaciones

$10 million

Children that attended school on a former toxic dump site made claims for exposure injuries. $10 million settlement.

Liberty County Record Verdictt

Veredicto de establecimiento de récord

Dos estudiantes de último año de secundaria se dirigían a casa en un tramo de la carretera que había sido objeto de repetidas quejas ante el Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TXDOT) por el mal estado de la banquina. Cuando los estudiantes entraron en una curva, el mal estado del arcén provocó un choque que mató a uno y provocó graves daños cerebrales al otro. Un juicio contra la oficina del Procurador General de Texas resultó en el descubrimiento de registros alterados, una instrucción de expoliación y un veredicto del jurado sin precedentes para el condado de Liberty.

Hacer una consulta

    Contacte a Burwell Nebout

    Consulta gratuita y confidencial

    (281) 645-5000

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