What You Should Keep in Your Car in Case of an Accident

Nobody expects an accident to happen, but if (and when) it does, being as prepared as possible can help ensure that you have all the information and documentation you need to file a personal injury claim. Some of the items in the following list are required by law, some are things you probably carry with you every day, others are low-tech and some can help you stay safe:

1. Proof of insurance

Texas requires that you have, at the minimum, liability insurance on your vehicle. Moreover, if you are pulled over for any reason, you will have to produce proof of insurance to the police officer. In case of an accident, you need to supply insurance information, including insurance company name, address, phone number and policy number to the other driver. They must also supply the same information to you. The officer responding to the scene of the accident will also require that you show them your insurance card.

2. Vehicle registration

Just as you are required to have liability insurance, you are also required to have your vehicle registered with the state. Your registration sticker is affixed to your license plate, so both the police and other drivers will know whether or not you are in compliance with the law.

3. A camera

If you have a cell phone, chances are it has a camera function. Some drivers prefer to keep a disposable camera in the car and it is fine if that’s what you want to do. Just be aware that they may degrade if kept in the car for long periods of time, especially in the hot Texas summers. Check to see what the camera’s expiration date is and know that it may need to be replaced periodically.

4. Cell phone charger

Most cell phone chargers can be adapted to plug into your vehicle’s “cigarette lighter.” Many phones can now be charged with a portable power bank. Whatever works best for you, make sure that you have the capability to keep your phone charged so it’s ready when you need it.

5. Tire-changing kit

Yes, you can call the local gas station or your insurance company’s service to come and change your tire, but in the event of an emergency, you may not have the luxury of time. Most cars come with a jack and a lug wrench, but you may want to invest in a tire-changing kit that includes a scissor jack and lug nut wrench that is relatively easy to use. Flares and emergency triangles can protect you in the event of an emergency.

6. A first-aid kit

You can put together your own first-aid kit or buy one that has the basics already assembled for you. What you include depends on your own needs; so, if you are going to be traveling in a more remote area, you may want to include items that you wouldn’t necessarily need in an urban or suburban environment. In either case, make sure that you replenish supplies as needed and check to see that expired items are replaced.

We are always here to help you

Whether you have been in an automobile accident or have questions about a personal injury claim, Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers invites you to contact us online or call us at (281) 645-5000 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your concerns.
