How to Prepare For a Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured due to the negligence of another, you may be entitled to obtain compensation for any resulting damages. In the legal world, the term damages refers to financial losses suffered by an injury victim; these may include medical expenses, lost wages, vehicle repair costs, and emotional pain and suffering.

Obtaining compensation after a personal injury accident requires you to show that you have suffered harm, and that another’s negligence directly caused this harm. But when you are recovering from a serious injury, the last thing you want to be focused on is building a case against the at-fault party. That’s where an experienced personal injury lawyer can provide immense relief. And the good news is that most—but not all—personal injury attorneys offer free initial consultations.

At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, our highly-skilled team of personal injury attorneys has helped countless clients get the full compensation they deserve in a timely manner. We provide a free consultation to all injury clients, during which we evaluate their case to determine if they have a valid claim, do an initial estimate of damages to be recovered, and ensure that the client fully understands their rights and options. If you have been injured, contact Burwell Newbout Trial Lawyers today for a free and confidential consultation about your case.

What is a Free Consultation?

Personal injury cases can be particularly challenging because they often involve serious or debilitating injuries, and the victim’s fear of how to provide for their family while they are unable to work. Due to this pain, stress, and fear, many personal injury victims settle for significantly less than they’re entitled to, for the sole purpose of getting at least some money in time to keep the power on and put food on the table. But the reality is, you may be entitled to thousands, or even tens-of-thousands of dollars more than that initial settlement offer.

At your free consultation, the team at Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers will evaluate your claim and gather as much information as possible to determine the most appropriate legal strategy for your unique case. Do not keep any pertinent details about the incident or your injury from the lawyer. The more information they have, the better able they will be to win your case.

What to Bring to a Free Consultation With Your Personal Injury Attorney

You can get the most out of your free consultation with an injury lawyer by coming to the meeting prepared. Some of the items we recommend bringing to your free consultation include:

  • Relevant documents, including police reports, medical records, medical bills, vehicle repair bills, insurance information, your own notes about the incident, pay stubs, court documents, and the names and contact info of any witnesses;
  • Prepared questions for the attorney, including questions about their experience with cases similar to yours, how they get paid, and how they handle communication with you during the case;
  • A pen and paper to jot down details from the meeting, and any information you are requested to obtain; and
  • A friend or family member, if having someone there for support will make you feel more comfortable.

The free consultation with your personal injury lawyer also effectively acts as an interview, during which you can determine whether you feel comfortable working with this particular lawyer. At Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers, we highly recommend that you take advantage of this free opportunity whenever it’s available.

What Should You Ask Your Attorney During the Free Consultation?

Being prepared involves more than just bringing the appropriate evidence and documents. You should also bring the right questions. Here are a few good questions to ask during your free consultation:

  • How long have you been practicing personal injury law, and what kind of experience do you have with cases like mine?
  • How do you get paid, and do I pay you anything if you don’t win my case?
  • When I have a question, will I be communicating directly with you, or with your staff?
  • How frequently will we communicate?
  • How long do you estimate my case will take to settle?
  • How much compensation do you think I will be able to obtain?
  • Do you think I will settle out of court, or should I be prepared to go to trial?

The list of questions above simply serves as a guideline, to which you can add your own questions, based on your unique situation. Contact an experienced League City personal injury lawyer today if you’ve been injured by another’s negligence.

What Happens After The Consultation?

If you have been harmed by the negligent, reckless, or careless actions of another, you have rights. If you have a valid personal injury case, your lawyer should begin the process of recovering damages, which may include medical bills, lost wages, and emotional pain and suffering, among others.

Step one is usually to send a demand letter to the negligent party’s insurance company, outlining the basis of the legal action and the intent to bring a lawsuit against the insured, and making an immediate request for compensation for any losses.

The at-fault party may claim responsibility and settle out of court, or they may claim no responsibility, at which point your attorney should file a formal lawsuit. The at-fault party has until the lawsuit goes to trial to settle.

Contact Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers Today

If you have been injured due to the negligent, reckless, or careless actions of another, the skilled legal team at Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers can help. It is critical to avoid speaking with anyone at the other party’s insurance company prior to a consultation with your lawyer. We will evaluate the details of your case, determine fault, gather evidence to substantiate your claim, and negotiate for the maximum possible settlement. Although we always aim to settle out of court, our attorneys are prepared to take your case to trial if a reasonable settlement cannot be reached.

Contact Burwell Nebout Trial Lawyers today for a free and confidential consultation about your case.
